Dr. Lozano’s Prior Publications

June 18, 2024

Olsen, J. Å., Brunborg, C., Steinberg, M., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Westfall, M., van Grunsven, P. M., Lerner, E. B., & Wik, L. (2019). Survival to hospital discharge with biphasic fixed 360 joules versus 200 escalating to 360 joules defibrillation strategies in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac etiology. Resuscitation, 136, 112–118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.01.020

Parker, R. B., Stack, S. J., Schneider, S. M., Bowman, S. H., Broderick, K. B., Brown, N. A., Brummer, C. S., Byers, M., Eswaran, P. V., Heilpern, K. L., Herman, S. H., Heron, S. L., Husainy, H., Jackson, T. D., Kaplan, J., Kass, D., Klauer, K., Lawrence, L. L., Lozano Jr., M., … & Wollard, C. (2017) Why Diversity and Inclusion Are Critical to the American College of Emergency Physicians’ Future Success. Ann. of Emerg. Med. 69(6): 714–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.11.030

Nürnberger, A., Herkner, H., Sterz, F., Olsen, J. Å., Lozano, M., van Grunsven, P. M. van, Lerner, E. B., Persse, D., Malzer, R., Brouwer, M., Westfall, M., Souders, C., Travis, D., Herken, U., & Wik, L. (2017). Observed survival benefit of mild therapeutic hypothermia reanalysing the Circulation Improving Resuscitation Care trial. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 47(6), 439–446. https://doi.org/10.1111/eci.12759

Wik, L., Olsen, J. Å., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano Jr., M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders ,C. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., & Lerner, E.B. (2016) Why do some studies find that CPR fraction is not a predictor of survival? Resuscitation, 104:59–62.

Steinberg, M.T., Olsen J. Å., Brunborg, C., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano Jr., M., Westfall, M., Travis, D. T., Lerner, E. B., & Wik, L. (2016) Defibrillation success during different phases of the mechanical chest compression cycle. Resuscitation, 103:99–105.

Olsen, J. Å., Lerner, E. B., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano Jr, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., Brunborg, C., & Wik, L. (2016). Chest compression duration influences outcome between integrated load-distributing band and manual CPR during cardiac arrest. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 60(2), 222–229. https://doi.org/10.1111/aas.12605

Steinberg, M.T., J. Å. Olsen, C. Brunborg, D. Persse, C. M. Souders, M. Lozano, F. Sterz, M. A. Brouwer, M. Westfall, P. M. van Grunsven, D. T. Travis, E. B. Lerner, & L. Wik. (2014) Abstract 85: Defibrillation during mechanical chest compressions should be avoided during the down–stroke phase of the chest compression cycle. Circulation, 130: A85.

Olsen, J. Å., M. Steinberg, C. M. Souders, C. Brunborg, D. Persse, F. Sterz, M. Lozano, M. A. Brouwer, M. Westfall, P. M. van Grunsven, D. Travis, E. B. Lerner, & L. Wik. (2014) AS010: Defibrillation during different phases of the mechanical chest compression–decompression cycle – Effects on termination of ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia. Resuscitation, 85(Suppl. 1):S8-9.

Wik L., Olsen J. Å., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders, C. M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., Brunborg, C., & Lerner, E. B.. (2103) Abstract 308: There is a correlation between neurologic score and discharge location for patients with out–of–hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac originCirculation, 128(22 Suppl.), A308.

Steinberg, M.T., Olsen, J. Å., Bendz, B., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders, C. M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Lerner, E. B., & Wik L.. (2013) Abstract 304: Conversion of ventricular fibrillation to an organized rhythm without a defibrillator. Circulation, 128(22 Suppl.), A304. 

Olsen, J. Å., Brunborg, C., Steinberg, M. T., Persse, D., Souders, C. M., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Lerner, E. B., & Wik, L. (2013) Abstract 286: Survival to hospital discharge with fixed 360 joules versus 200 escalating to 360 joules defibrillation strategies in out–of–hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac etiology. Circulation, 128(22 Suppl.), A286.

Wik, L., Olsen, J. Å., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders, C. M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., & Lerner, E. B. (2013) Abstract 168: Integrated Auto–Pulse CPR improves survival from out–of–hospital cardiac arrests compared to manual CPR after controlling for EMS response times. Circulation, 128(22 Suppl.), A168.

Wik, L., Olsen, J. Å., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders, C. M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., & Lerner, E. B. (2013) Abstract 167: EMS provider documentation changes the predictive value of bystander CPR. Circulation, 128(22 Suppl.), A167.

Olsen, J. Å., Souders, C. M., Steinberg, M. T., Brunborg, C., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Lerner, E. B., & Wik, L. (2013) Abstract 155: Duration of Pre–shock Compression Pause Does Not Affect Defibrillation Success in Out–of–Hospital Cardiac Arrest Treated with Either Manual or Load–Distributing Band Compressions. Circulation,128(22 Suppl.), A155.

Wik, L., Olsen, J. Å., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders, C. M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., & Lerner, E. B. (2013) The Impact of Hypothermia Treatment on Survival to Hospital Discharge for Out–Of–Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients in the Circulation Improving Resuscitation Care (CIRC) Trial. Prehosp. Emerg. Care, 17(1):126.

Wik, L., Olsen, J. Å., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano, M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders, C. M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., Brewer, J., & Lerner, E. B. (2013) The impact of CPR duration on survival to hospital discharge between integrated Auto–Pulse CPR and manual CPR during out–of–hospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac origin. Prehosp. Emerg. Care 17(1):116.

Wik, L., Olsen, J. Å., Persse, D., Sterz, F., Lozano Jr., M., Brouwer, M. A., Westfall, M., Souders, C. M., Malzer, R., van Grunsven, P. M., Travis, D. T., Herken, U. R., Brewer, J., & Lerner, E. B. AS038: The Impact of CPR Duration on Survival to Hospital Discharge between Integrated AutoPulse-CPR and Manual-CPR during Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest of Presumed Cardiac Origin. Resuscitation2012, 83(Suppl. 1):e17.

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